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Who am I?

Who am I?



On this page you can find out more about me, want you to see and realize that I am a person an individual, I'm not part of any scheme on the Internet.

All the days, weeks and months I'll dedicate a few hours of work on this site to make you get the best of each "Paid To Click."

So that you do not waste your time with bad examples on the Internet on how to make easy money on the internet, or miraculous schemes because they do not exist.

With a little time each day, you can make some money a day with PTC, PTR and BUX, among other genres that will be presented on site.

Remember that nothing is given on the internet, to earn money on the internet, you have to work a little every day, either by clicking on advertising, reading emails, responding to questionnaires or even selling an item, to make a profit, we have to give a little of our time.

Thank You For Your time Reading My Work.


Name: Marco A.

NickName: Manegocios

Country: Portugal

Date of Birth: 18/11/1984

Favourite Movie: Into the Wild & The Pursuit of Happiness

Favorite Color: Black, Red, White

Favorite Food: Cozido à Portuguesa

Favorite Sport: Taekwondo

Travel Destinations: Egypt & North Pole

Favorite Animal: Scorpio & Penguin

Fear: Everyone who walks in the Air

Favorite Brands: Timberland, Honda, LG, FujiFilm, SquareOnix, Nokia, Sport Lisboa e Benfica

I Do Not Like: Lies, Gossip, Evil

From What I Like: Loyalty, Honesty, Sincerity

What I Love In Life: My Future Wife & The fact of being Alive

Like to see answered other curiosities about me? Just send an email to me through the "Contact" or leave your question in the "GuestBook".